Prepare a cooling coil from copper tubing (about 6 mm outside diameter × about 6.1 m long) to fit into a vacuum-jacketed flask. Immerse the cooling coil in a mixture of dry ice and acetone in a vacuum-jacketed flask, and connect one end of the tubing to the propellant sample cylinder. Carefully open the sample cylinder valve, flush the cooling coil with about 50 mL of the propellant, and discard this portion of liquefied propellant. Continue delivering liquefied propellant from the cooling coil, and collect it in a previously chilled 1000-mL sedimentation cone until the cone is filled to the 1000-mL mark. Allow the propellant to evaporate, using a warm water bath maintained at about 40

to reduce evaporating time. When all of the liquid has evaporated, rinse the sedimentation cone with two 50-mL portions of pentane, and combine the rinsings in a tared 150-mL evaporating dish. Transfer 100 mL of the pentane solvent to a second tared 150-mL evaporating dish, place both evaporating dishes on a water bath, evaporate to dryness, and heat the dishes in an oven at 100

for 60 minutes. Cool the dishes in a desiccator, and weigh. Repeat the heating for 15-minute periods until successive weighings are within 0.1 mg, and calculate the weight of the residue obtained from the propellant as the difference between the weights of the residues in the two evaporating dishes.